Abstract DAO Classes

This library comes with two super-classes to be extended by your own projects:

They both extend from Caridea\Dao\Dao, which is an abstract class that implements Psr\Log\LoggerAwareInterface.


The Doctrine DAO constructor takes the Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager, the name of the entity, and an optional Psr\Log\LoggerInterface. Once created, the following protected properties are available to subclasses:

  • $manager – The EntityManager you provided
  • $entityName – The string entity name you provided
  • $repository – A Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository retrieved from the EntityManager
  • $logger – A Psr\Log\LoggerInterface, guaranteed to be non-null

There are also two very useful protected methods available to subclasses.

The doExecute Method

The doExecute method accepts a Closure that gets passed the EntityManager.

If an exception occurs while your function is being executed, it's translated and wrapped by one of the exceptions included in this library.

class MyDao extends \Caridea\Dao\Doctrine2
    public function create($record)
        $this->logger->info("Creating the record");
        $this->doExecute(function ($manager) use ($record) {

The doExecuteInRepository Method

Similarly, the doExecuteInRepository method accepts a Closure that gets passed the EntityRepository.

If an exception occurs while your function is being executed, it's translated and wrapped by one of the exceptions included in this library.

class MyDao extends \Caridea\Dao\Doctrine2
    public function find($id)
        return $this->doExecuteInRepository(function ($repository) {
            return $repository->find($id);


The MongoDB DAO constructor takes the MongoDB\Driver\Manager, the name of the collection, and an optional Psr\Log\LoggerInterface. Once created, the following protected properties are available to subclasses:

  • $manager – The Manager you provided
  • $collection – The string collection name you provided
  • $logger – A Psr\Log\LoggerInterface, guaranteed to be non-null

There are also a very useful protected method available to subclasses.

The doExecute Method

The doExecute method accepts a Closure that gets passed the Manager and collection name.

If an exception occurs while your function is being executed, it's translated and wrapped by one of the exceptions included in this library.

class MyDao extends \Caridea\Dao\MongoDb
    public function create($record)
        $this->logger->info("Creating the record");
        $this->doExecute(function ($manager, $collection) use ($record) {
            $bulk = new \MongoDB\Driver\BulkWrite();
            return $manager->executeBulkWrite($collection, $bulk);